Club Founder
Staff member
Lifetime Member
Supporting Member
Hello Community Members.
It has now been 2 years since the announcement of the Honda Pioneer and the gates were opened to the HondaSxS Community. Since then the site has made many friends from all over the world. From day 1 it has held the title for being the #1 Owner Ran Community for the Honda SxS brand. Yet, none of that would of been possible without great supporters like you. For that, I THANK YOU for choosing HondaSxS.com as your source for Pioneer and Big Red related info and fellowship.
One goal I had set for the site, was when time came and funds were available, it would transition to a more robust and feature rich software. Though our current software is strong and stable, it is also lacking many modern features found on today's web. Though I have tried my best to integrate as many of those features as I could, many have failed to deliver, caused conflicts, or have been deemed unstable for a production site. With over 40 different "add-on's" currently installed I am hereby deeming the current version of HondaSxS.com, running PHPbb 3.0.12, to be at it's max potential.
The future HondaSxS Community.
Currently tests are underway to deliver a new and improved community software. Early this year, I acquired a licenses for XenForo forum software, installed, and currently testing its potential. Overall, I have been very impressed with the new system. Out of the box it delivers a dozen features currently not found within the current system. XenForo well surpasses the capabilities of our current site right out of the box.
Some features XenForo brings.
- Responsive design, works on all platforms and phones.
- User @tagging.
- Like/Follow, post/users.
- FaceBook login integration
- drag and drop picture upload.
- Larger upload capabilities.
- Videos will be automatically parsed
- drafts will be auto-saved every 60 seconds.
- multi-quote feature
- Improved Private Conversations and profile post.
Other add-ons coming after the initial changeover.
- #Hash-tagging. Post tagging using a #hash-tag.
- Resource Manager for a how-to/informative section managing.
- SxS Showcase for showing off your SxS
- And many others.
Now, I know we all dislike change. Your probably thinking... "why can't they just leave stuff alone?" or "It works great now, why mess with it?" While I agree to both, I honestly feel that for the site to continue its growth, improvements must be made. This change will not go without heart. It will be a challenge all around for sure, but once completed, and the learning curve has passed, I'm confident that you will find it a welcomed upgrade.
Currently, we are looking at a mid-spring upgrade if everything goes to plan. More info will be posted as a transitions plan is put into place.
Thanks HondaSxS.
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions?
It has now been 2 years since the announcement of the Honda Pioneer and the gates were opened to the HondaSxS Community. Since then the site has made many friends from all over the world. From day 1 it has held the title for being the #1 Owner Ran Community for the Honda SxS brand. Yet, none of that would of been possible without great supporters like you. For that, I THANK YOU for choosing HondaSxS.com as your source for Pioneer and Big Red related info and fellowship.
One goal I had set for the site, was when time came and funds were available, it would transition to a more robust and feature rich software. Though our current software is strong and stable, it is also lacking many modern features found on today's web. Though I have tried my best to integrate as many of those features as I could, many have failed to deliver, caused conflicts, or have been deemed unstable for a production site. With over 40 different "add-on's" currently installed I am hereby deeming the current version of HondaSxS.com, running PHPbb 3.0.12, to be at it's max potential.
The future HondaSxS Community.
Currently tests are underway to deliver a new and improved community software. Early this year, I acquired a licenses for XenForo forum software, installed, and currently testing its potential. Overall, I have been very impressed with the new system. Out of the box it delivers a dozen features currently not found within the current system. XenForo well surpasses the capabilities of our current site right out of the box.
Some features XenForo brings.
- Responsive design, works on all platforms and phones.
- User @tagging.
- Like/Follow, post/users.
- FaceBook login integration
- drag and drop picture upload.
- Larger upload capabilities.
- Videos will be automatically parsed
- drafts will be auto-saved every 60 seconds.
- multi-quote feature
- Improved Private Conversations and profile post.
Other add-ons coming after the initial changeover.
- #Hash-tagging. Post tagging using a #hash-tag.
- Resource Manager for a how-to/informative section managing.
- SxS Showcase for showing off your SxS
- And many others.
Now, I know we all dislike change. Your probably thinking... "why can't they just leave stuff alone?" or "It works great now, why mess with it?" While I agree to both, I honestly feel that for the site to continue its growth, improvements must be made. This change will not go without heart. It will be a challenge all around for sure, but once completed, and the learning curve has passed, I'm confident that you will find it a welcomed upgrade.
Currently, we are looking at a mid-spring upgrade if everything goes to plan. More info will be posted as a transitions plan is put into place.
Thanks HondaSxS.
Questions, Concerns, Suggestions?