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Well because I like to overthink things and I do root cause analysis for a living I went out and setup some experiments.
1. The indicator coming on is when the operation is complete. If the indicator doesn't show the mode you put it in, it isn't in that mode.
2. The speed of mode engagement was directly related to the state of the machine directly prior to attempting engagement. Depending on which mode you were going from to, it could be nearly instantaneous to requiring a bunch of vehicle contortions to get it to engage.
3. Heat had no effect. I did the experiment cold and after getting the machine so hot that I felt it in the shifter. (Temp gage never went over 2 bars though)
4. Sometimes it couldn't decide to stay in Turf mode. It would sometimes flicker on/off for a little while after it changed modes.
5. 4WD was always near instantaneous, it was the 4WD Diff Lock and the the Turf/2WD that seemed to be the most variable.
My only concern is that who is at fault if there is a gear mesh failure? Me or Honda?
There really needs to be an edit of the language in the manual to clarify what needs to be done to get this stuff to engage and how to protect the drivetrain other than just saying, don't shift while moving but move to get it to shift....
I don't know about anyone else, but I am extremely impressed that you were able to deduce in such a short amount of time by exact testing that the light only comes on once the procedure has been completed and everything is locked in. That really helped as youre trying to get this thing to work and figure it all out in your head. In fact that took absolutely all of the guesswork out of it!
If you dont mind doing one more test, can you tell me if sex is taking place at the moment that light goes off in my head?
If so, would save me a few steps in between...