Wondering if anyone uses a steering wheel type lock for extra security when stored or parked? There are so many to choose from on the market. Any suggestions?
If u want one of those wheel dohicky‘s , Any would do as long as you have key to it. No need for something to fancy, its just a sxs Unless u plan on driving it to downtown Detroit and parking it then good luck 🤣
Other thoughts can be that these machines are fairly light and can still be lifted by a jack and moved. You could also do chain and padlock thru the wheels to frame. Viper makes a motorcycle alarm that works with these machines too.
If u want one of those wheel dohicky‘s , Any would do as long as you have key to it. No need for something to fancy, its just a sxs Unless u plan on driving it to downtown Detroit and parking it then good luck 🤣
I forgot I even started this thread..lol! I never even got one of those things! Guess I still live in a safe enough area to not really need one.. but never know, sadly it can happen anywhere...