The weather finally cooperated so I went for a ride today. 2019 Talon X with 84 miles on her from two short rides during the winter. We rode from the house to get out to the desert, around 9 miles. We hit the trail and made it around 6 miles. I turned at a junction and hammered it up to 60 mph on a straight away. At 60 we heard a pop that sounded like a front axle. I knew it should not be as I was in 2 wheel drive. We pulled over, checked a few things but could not find the issue. I got back in and drove slowly and that is when I seen the drive shaft through the shifter gate, wobbling bad. Got back out and looked up inside and could see the u-joint cap was missing. Luckily I found the cap and all the bearings laying on the skid plate. No idea where the clip went, if there ever was one. I put everything back together and used a key ring to keep the cap from falling out again on the way home. Worked fine and the machine is now at the dealer getting a new u-joint and the recall done for the parking pin. I hope this is the only issue I have. From some of the threads on here, it really seems Honda's reliability has gone down hill. At 115 miles and in the shop all ready has me starting to wonder.