Gents, I feel like I've searched threads and youtube videos as much as I can and still have a few general questions.
I'm attaching some pics of the components I've purchased and what I'm wiring as of right now.
*Components: Badlands Apex 5500 winch (long spool), EZ-Steer, OEM access harness, fuse panel, 300A circuit breaker (winch max 291A), 4ga jumper cables for power, underhood +/- terminals, wire loom, copper connectors, No-Ox to prevent corrosion, heat shrink, bullet connectors for OEM accessory harness
1) If I go to the trouble to run 4 ga from the battery up to the solenoid does it make sense to make up my own 4ga from the solenoid to the winch or just use the ones that came with the winch that are slightly smaller gage?
2) As for the inline circuit breaker, does it matter if you mount it closer to the battery or up under the hood? I prefer underhood to keep dry...
3) The winch came with a Battery Disconnect switch. Does this still need to be installed if I have a circuit breaker?
4) For the Ground, I don't think there is any reason to run that back to the battery, correct me if wrong, so I was just going to ground it underhood from the frame to my new neg. terminal. Does this ground need to be 4ga also?
Thanks in advance!

I'm attaching some pics of the components I've purchased and what I'm wiring as of right now.
*Components: Badlands Apex 5500 winch (long spool), EZ-Steer, OEM access harness, fuse panel, 300A circuit breaker (winch max 291A), 4ga jumper cables for power, underhood +/- terminals, wire loom, copper connectors, No-Ox to prevent corrosion, heat shrink, bullet connectors for OEM accessory harness
1) If I go to the trouble to run 4 ga from the battery up to the solenoid does it make sense to make up my own 4ga from the solenoid to the winch or just use the ones that came with the winch that are slightly smaller gage?
2) As for the inline circuit breaker, does it matter if you mount it closer to the battery or up under the hood? I prefer underhood to keep dry...
3) The winch came with a Battery Disconnect switch. Does this still need to be installed if I have a circuit breaker?
4) For the Ground, I don't think there is any reason to run that back to the battery, correct me if wrong, so I was just going to ground it underhood from the frame to my new neg. terminal. Does this ground need to be 4ga also?
Thanks in advance!