Hey All, it's been a while since I posted after figuring out the reverse issue with my Pioneer 700 4. I want you all to know that after they figured it out (as I posted in my last post) it ran great and still is and there were no more issues. However, it did not fix what the real issue was for my wife and I and that was the need for a bit more power, a bit more clearance and a whole lot more compression when going down steep grades. With no fix for the compression in sight, I inquired to you all about bumping up to the Pioneer 1000. 100% of your feedback was positive to do so. So, I sold my 700 4 to my close friend and neighbor and it he is loving it! Yesterday I picked up a 2023 Pioneer Forest (3-seater). Unfortunately, there were none in Nevada and even though I could have driven 2.5 hours to California and purchased one there, there was no way I wanted the emission BS along with anything else that came with California or those models. So, instead I drove nine hours to Orem, Utah and purchased one at Monarch Powersports. They were the next closest dealer. The customer service was great (Thanks Derrick). My wife is a rockhound, so she wanted to search for trilobites on the way home so while she was doing that, I got to test drive in the Utah mountains and it was great! In getting it home today and taking it up the hill behind my house it confirmed everything else everyone said. I am officially a Pioneer 1000 guy now and couldn't be happier even though I have to start all over with the accessories. Got a Honda roof top and replaced the Honda plexiglass window I had on the 700 with a USA bottom vented glass window on the 1000 as I did not like the scratching on the plexiglass. Only been home for a few hours so I will post more pics in my next post. You all tell me if there's no pictures it didn't happen so here is one from yesterday in Western Utah.