In case you fellers are looking for a simple smoked turkey recipe…and you checked this thread in a panic…here’s mine.
It’s 4 ingredients, turkey, butter, salt and pepper ( or your favorite chicken rub)
Brine your turkey the night before ( I use like five splashes of salt to five gallons of water…approximately 1tbls per splash) if it is a store bought pre brined, this works straight from the bag.
Trim your turkey, rinse, pat dry, and baste the entire turkey with butter. Dash on some pepper or a VERY light amount of your favorite poultry dust and drop it into your smoker.
I recommend using fruity woods ( nomo, for the yami bois) like cherry or apple. I’m using mice and rat dookie free tree belt fresh cherry wood. (Sorry couldn’t resist the jab..)
25 mins per lb of Turkey till it hits 165f over a water pan. I check the water every hour or so. If you don’t want the skin so dark, cover the bird with foil about 1/2 way thru the cook.