DG Rider
Member: Triple Clutch Club
Lifetime Member
Local cool older kid had an '87 black and red he bought brand new. We were on the bus to school one morning and he passed us (it was a passing zone), but did so on the back wheel at well above the speed limit.My first dragbike was an 88 cbr1000f. 4" arm, 1049 kit, 39mm keihin fcrs, 40 shot of nitrous. Fast bike for its age. I still got couple framed pics of me on it at Memphis dragstrip.
As luck would have it, a NC State Trooper rounded the curve at the end of the passing zone going the other way for a call, lights and siren ablaze. Trooper did a full 4 wheel lock, drift sideways, crime-drama style stop to avoid hitting him head on. Needless to say, the trooper very excitedly stuck his head at the window and told him to pull over. The kid didn't have it for too long after that...
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