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I hear what your saying about the torsion axle, makes since. That broken weld was after the original repair. It had less than 1500 miles, all but 100 or so empty. Pulled it from Ohio to Maryland to Florida all empty as part of a move.Torsion axels are notoriously hard on aluminum frames IMO…but are necessary because everyone wants a low slung trailer (not sure why as they suck off the pavement). There is a ton of moment force on the bolted section.
Not to mention that a p1k is nearly maxing out the single torsion axel limit without factoring in shock loading.
It’s been my experience that if your buying an aluminum trailer, you want a leaf spring setup.
The picture shown earlier, while not a perfect weld, it is sufficient, is a sign of what I speak of.
The sticker says 2340lbs carrying capacity. Never weighted the P1K5 but surly I havnt added that much weight. If I had it to do over I would have sprung for a tandem axle. I was trying to keep it light because I expected to pull it behind the sxs more.