Had my Pioneer 700 out this Saturday for ride and it suddenly engine started running erratic and then just died on me. All indicators on dash screen flashed as it died. It cranked right back up and I proceeded only to have it occur 2 more times. This has never happened. Engine overheating light did not come on. Machine is well maintained and serviced. Plugs new, oil ok. I waited 5 minutes, poured 16 ounce of water on engine then cranked it up and it ran fine again. I have read others have had a similar issue and have solved by replacing fuel injector wire harness and PCM. Any suggestions out there on what might have happened. I fear it is going to happen again since it now occurred and their must be some issue. Also, I cannot find anything on internet on steps to change coolant in the Pioneer 700. Hate paying a dealer to do something I feel I can do. Any detailed steps or video how to do this would be appreciated. I only have 1300 miles on machine. thanks