Hey all, I have a 2023 Honda Talon 1000X-4 Fox Live-Valve. Anyone have any idea what would cause the factory winch wire under the hood to have no power? I initially had my winch hooked up to it and it acted like a fuse popped immediately the first time I tried testing the winch. I knew that they changed the winch wiring on the 23 models by removing the ground wire and putting a grounding spot on the frame up front so I thought that maybe they had fused it too. Didn't spend any real time looking into and just ran my own winch power but now I'm trying to run some lights off of it and I've checked all the 40 amp fuses in the batter box thinking those could've been where it was fused and they're all good (replaced them anyway). I don't think it's fused and I can't for the life of me figure out why I'd have no power here. Any thoughts would be appreciated. The wire in question is the red wire from the factory harness in the white, somewhat phallic shaped circle.