I have a buddy that is Iraqi but of the christian faith. Was living there when we invaded, hated Sadam and his regime and went to work for our military as a translator. He was looked at as a traitor and was a marked man. One of his best friends was shot in the head for doing the same thing and he has been shot twice. This dude has seen some sh**! When it was over they gave him and his wife a plane ticket to the states and he loves it here. I've had plenty of conversations with him about Islam and Muslims and he can tell you first hand how f'd up that religion is. Most people probably look at him and think 'another towel head' but I can tell you that I'd trust this guy with my life. Works hard, loves this country and just wants to be free and safe from the never ending wars over there and there's a lot more of them that feel the same way. I still give him sh** for wearing too much cologne and tight pants,lol, it's a middle eastern thing.