Ball joint install tube/tool



Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2019

  1. Talon X
I am replacing an upper ball joint and wandered if there was a tool that fit over the stem and sat firmly on the ball joint so I can press it in. The last time I used a 1.75" socket, and it worked, but not well. I was hoping to find some steel tubing with the right size ID. Or a tool. I looked on line and went to Harbor Freight and AutoZone, and tried matching up the tools they offered, but the 1.75" ones are just too big and I feel will slide over the ball joint or get cock eyed. I went to Napa as well. Please post if you have something that works. I have looked at all kinds of stuff online. But looking for input of someone who has done it, not found a link that might have a tool that works.
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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mar 10, 2020
Somewhere in Texas

  1. Talon R
Order a piece of 1-3/4" DOM tube from an online metal supplier in whatever thickness you think will have the closest ID to what you are looking for.
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