Well that didn't go as planned
Lifetime Member
?????????Looking like its going to get a little there this weekend.
Just got back from Milwaukee and heading back to Louisiana. Water has gone down so I'll find out what's left when I get there. It's possible, but highly unlikely I'll make it back in time for the ride. But if I do, might be I can get a cabin and rent a ride last minute. Be easier that hauling my rig and sleeping in a truck lolView attachment 295762
This guy has cabins and Honda pioneers he rents out. The cabins are across the road at the Daisy trail head.
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The ride is annual and has been posted since April. But not a big ride like RRB so that might be why. When you figure up design, printing, and materials it's hard to justify. But hey, I got shirts from the last four rides 😆I dont think Walter had time to get the design done
I'm alone and your welcome to stay in my room #3 if it works out. I'm smoking ribs now for the Saturday night feast, who's bringing the corn?Just got back from Milwaukee and heading back to Louisiana. Water has gone down so I'll find out what's left when I get there. It's possible, but highly unlikely I'll make it back in time for the ride. But if I do, might be I can get a cabin and rent a ride last minute. Be easier that hauling my rig and sleeping in a truck lol
How's the parts search? I'll be riding solo, your welcome to ride with me and you can even drive, HA!I'm sorry to hear that as well. I toasted the #1 clutch in my pioneer this w/e so I'm out unless I can get the parts quick enough. It will be close. Hope to see you and Ohio4x4 at MOM.
Guess I miss read your post?Rain Man Rain
Thanks Smitty. All of the clutch parts are speeding their way to my shop as we speak. Hopefully I'll have it finished before the weekend.How's the parts search? I'll be riding solo, your welcome to ride with me and you can even drive, HA!
Sorry I just seen. It's kirby landing camp ground. And it depends on which rangers is on duty. But we can get you to and from camp if needed. You can just drive my truck back and forthEddie, can you give me more info on this ride? If I bring my toy hauler and camp is there legal trail access from the campground and which campground
Walter didn't get a chance to get design done for shirtsSorry we haven’t been on the forum much! We will be there Thursday night staying in room 6 i think.... can’t remember but it’s the same room we stayed last year. Anyways it’s our youngest daughters birthday this Wednesday so we will be bringing cake for everyone for Saturday night! We will make cheesy potatoes again for the meal Saturday. is there anything else needed? Also did I read right there are no shirts to order this year?
What kind of attack dog you have?Be there Thursday some time. Bringing the new attack dog. 😂
One wif big tefh!What kind of attack dog you have?
I just told Ty we should bring our dogs mainly cause I forgot to call the boarder and now it’s full and we don’t have anyone reliable to dog sit. And it costs $200 just to pay someone to watch our dogs for a weekendOne wif big tefh!