I used your idea
@KYhillbilly and purchased the EMP wiper, 15" total length, 12" blade version and quickly found that the bend in the arm from the factory wasn't even close enough to mount it like you did. Took it to the vice and and was able to double the angle to make it mount below the hinge. Did you have to do some bending or were you able to find one that had a steeper angle?
After installing it looks like I don't have it quite as low as you have it in the lower panel. Bad news. I cannot fold down my window with it installed. Hole is drilled now so no going back. I will just have to remove the wiper come summer months.
As the pictures show below, I am only maybe an inch higher than you. Did I possibly order a different wiper style than you did that is higher profile or maybe that inch is all that it took to mess up the geometry?
Well, it works great as is and thanks for the idea. I had been pondering how to mount a wiper and your idea was exactly what I was looking for.
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