On the subject of "auto"/ "manual" mode shifting.
My 2017 while in "manual" mode will downshift itself. It will not up shift but it will go down. Very annoying. The timing on these shifts are at times goofy but at times the harshness of the shift isn't too bad. I had one or two times the down shifts were smooth.
Switched to the "auto" mode upshifts happen soon, like barely taking off it shifts to second and so on. Down shifts are early, like let off the gas to coast(engine brake) and it will downshift. The down shift will be harsh like hitting the brakes. I once had coffee flying out of my mug and my dog nose diving into the dash. Oh and it will lay rubber and bark the tires while doing it's "auto" down shift.
I cannot stress test driving enough. I sure hope the P520 doesn't act this way. My 2007 Honda Rancher 400 shifts so smooth in auto I don't know when it shifts, up or down. SWEET