I dont need that twit to explain it. There have always been speculators and 50% Win and 50% lose. There is NOTHING wrong w/ that, its called the free Market. Happened under Trump, Obama, and every other President. This is NO different. It is simple economics. Supply/Demand drive the price. Reduce Supply (Cancel Pipelines/Increase Regulations/Tax Oil Companies/Pledge to put them out of business) and Price goes up because they slow down production. Increase demand without increasing supply ("Free stimulus" money) and Price goes up. Do a deal w/ Iran and the Saudi's (their arch enemy) tell you to go F yourself when you ask them to increase production. I really wish folks truly understood what/who they are voting for vs. some giggling moron or crap in their pants fool who tells you "its complicated". God, those tweets must have really pissed some fools off who are now questioning their vote.