Everywhere we are going to ride involves a trailer. The "trails" are from up to an hour away or as close as 20 minutes. It all depends on where we go. I'll leave it up to you guys as I ride here all the time. It'll depend on the heat, the weather, the dust, time, on where we go. We also may, somewhat, allegedly, have to run a little blacktop. Where we are going is all country backroads, so the cops don't seem to mind. Well, there was the one time we got stopped by the green jeans at the Steinhatchee falls, that's definitely off the list of places I can take ya'll, but there was also the time that a deputy posted by our broken down daredevil Darrel @Average_Joe machine to be sure no one messed with it. Then he pointed us in the direction (on blacktop) that gave us a shortcut back to the truck. He was envious he wasn't with us and was amazed when he found out where we unloaded.