Two Floods recorded in the Bible that completely covered the Earth, Genesis chapter 1: 2-10 this is the first flood, Genesis chapter 7: 17-24 and chapter 8: 1-5 this is the second flood,,, in secular History China has some of the oldest recorded history in the world, the first Emperors commissioned a man by the name Kun to drain the waters off the land Kun was unsuccessful but His Son Yu figured out a way to drain the water off the land it took Him 9 years to drain the water to the ocean, because of this He became an Emperor and began China's first Dynasty, this took place only a little more than 100 years after approximately 2250 B.C. the second flood Noah's flood this water that lay in low areas from the flood ,,,,, within approximately 2250 years 2 earth covering floods took place that formed the Earth as We enjoy it today,,,