Most things on these trucks are totally subjective and personal preference. Id be happy to own any of them and wouldnt lose sleep if your thinking of buying one over the other. I drove all of them and heres the reasons i chose the ram over the ford.
1- cummins motor 2nd to none in reliability. I work with 2 guys that lemoned there f250s last yr. Mostly electrical problems.
2- the ride. Coil over rear end is amazing. I can hit rail road track and not hop off the ground.
3- the technology and 8.4" touch screen was the best by far.
4- no crappy manual hubs with plastic gears
5- price $11,000 difference and the ford didnt have heated cloth or steering wheel.
6- milage. The Cummins is the king here. I was getting 13.5 mpg pulling 2 pioneers at 75. I think you were getting 10 pulling 1.
Thats 90 more miles per tank of fuel. If both are 30 gallon tanks.
Rest is pretty subjective as far as looks ect. I love the new fords looks. Seat comfort, and ford is quiter and faster.
What does your cummins fuel mileage average with normal driving. I drive basically all interstate to and from work. Very minimal stop and go traffic for me.