You able to check compression for giggles ?
Does it smoke, burn oil?
tbh - I must ask if there is more to the story that you are aware of? , if the trhrottle body clamps were loose, boots not on correct - that’s been apart before imo - if that’s where it was sucking dirt in - I’m kinda scratching my head why the velocity stacks are dirty if it was sucking dirt below
It was not smoking when we started it up on the trailer. I only wanted to hear what it was doing and it wouldn't stay running and would stall out and once I heard what it was doing I didn't want to take any further risk so after it stalled the 2nd time, we just rolled it off the trailer. The dealer did the first service many moons ago and he's been doing maintenance ever since but nothing that would require the air filter housing to be removed (such as valve clearance check). The owner seems sincere and although I just met him, have no reason to think he was lying. He's mechanically inclined enough to do basic routine maintenance.
The throttle body clamps were loose but clocked exactly like the one that hadn't come loose. This leads me to believe that they loosened up by themselves and weren't removed purposely although I suspect that when initially installed at the factory, the one that hadn't come loose was installed cockeyed. If it was taken apart, then the dealership did it at first service and I don't know why they would.
My theory is that the good cylinder was sucking dirty air up through the completely dislodged throttle body which explains why the disconnected tube was really dirty but the connected one had just a dusting.
I will say this: The air intake is a really bad design. Having so many screws and flange washers on the back side of the air filter to be ingested if they come loose makes no sense even though that's not the issue here. The clamps seem undersized to me which is why they're working loose in my opinion. The ring seal for the air filter also seems undersized although the surface area of the air filter is's larger than many car air filters, but that's useless if you're sucking dirty air.
I'm going to try and tighten the timing chain adjuster, reseat the airbox tubes, clean the engine (this bothers me to no end as you could eat off of all my SxS engines as I hate working on anything dirty. Had the throttle body tubes not been loose I would have had him help me push the Talon closer to my spigot and would have washed it right then), have him change the oil with synthetic and hope for the best.