Thank you for being part of the best site on the web -
The Honda SxS Club.
Have had a few questions about how to support the club and what the different badges/banners are under a users name. I had posted a small intro on them long ago, it's outdated so I figured it was time to redo them. So, here it goes.
Operating this community has been an eye opener for me. Originally started off my personal server at no additional cost. It quickly ate up the resources and I quickly had to upgrade. 1, 2, 3, and 4 server moves later have all placed a huge financial burden on the books. Your funding and support help cover those costs. Below is a list of some of the reasons your support is needed:
- The Server
- Server management services
- Backup server
- Monitoring services
- Uptime reporting services
- Bandwith protection services
- Domain names
- Software licenses
- Web and Mobile Apps
- Custom development
- Additional personal bandwidth
- Hours and hours of my time keeping all this in order!
And those are just the critical resources. Other non-criticals include:
- Ride of the Month giveaways
- Other giveaways
- Stickers
- Decals
- Product development
- Advertisement and mailings
- Thank you gifts
- Pioneer Takeover event
The following are ways you can support the club and
many are at no cost at all!
At the top of the list is the single most important type of support someone can give. And that is
visiting the website and participating often!. Starting new threads, welcoming new members into the club, and keeping current threads moving offers a type of support no money can buy.
Amazon or Ebay!
HondaSxS is an approved affiliate for both Amazon and eBay. So, if you buy lots of stuff on Amazon or eBay you could be helping support your favorite club while buying something you were going to buy anyway! Also, when people ask "where did you get that" and you reply "Amazon" please post a link to that page vs a screen shot or name of the product. This all helps a little, but over time it adds up!
One big thing that you can do is create an Amazon bookmark or link on your computer and use the following links:
Amazon - Amazon.com: Honda Pioneer
eBay - eBay - HondaSxS
If you see an advertisement you like... CLICK IT! Clicking it and exploring that page helps provide revenue for the club in very small increments, but every little bit helps!
Checking out our vendor section helps the club by showing our vendors some love. Many have donated items and or made financial contributions to the club and/or a club event. When buying from a vendor, include a note saying you are a member of The Honda SxS Club - HondaSxS.com.
Hosting a local Ride!
More info on this later.
Upgrading your account to in 2 different ways HERE -->
- Supporting Member
- Lifetime Member!
Both Supporting and Lifetime members provide the same benefits. The biggest is limited advertisements. All adverts except the vendor sections and the header ad is removed.
Benefits include:
- Advertisement removal (except header and vendor section)
- Access to supporting member section.
- Ability to change the title under your user name.
- Increased PM box.
- Poll creating capabilities.
- And a few other small odds and ends.
Supporting Member is a yearly contribution that helps provide ongoing funding for the club. This can be bought on top of the lifetime membership. It is a reflection of you making a small yearly financial contribution to your favorite club. The Honda SxS Club!
LifeTime Member is a one-time contribution that helps provide funding for the community giving you the same access as a supporting member but on a life long contract.
Upgrading is not the full solution!
Both of these upgrades help provide financial funding, However, they are nowhere near close to a full solution. In fact, I have given away just as many LifeTime memberships that have been sold. Members and the paid accounts only provide about 20% of the funding needed to keep the site running.
Making a one-time donation to the club is a great way to provide additional support. At the bottom right of the website, you will see a Donate button. Helping can be as simple as "Buying us a Beer". *Though I don't even drink. lol. You can also use this link -->
HondaSxS.com using PayPal.Me
Finally, no matter how you can help support the club I want you to know your contributions and efforts are appreciated. Without your support, this would be just another page lost on the net pushed into the dark corners of nothing. I am amazed at how much this has grown. Back in Feb. 2013, I never dreamed this site would become The Honda SxS Club it is today! I have met and talked to a lot of great people and everyone has been super nice. I couldn't have asked for a better online family.
Thank You!