Amazon Special 40" "240" watt (drew <5amps so about 60watts) and pair of the "18" watt Pods (18w per pair)
@60-70’ to trees, pad is @60' wide
Rough Country 20" single row 90watt true and pair of RC X5's 50w per pair true.
@80-90’ to trees, a more focused beam out of higher quality more centered LEDs.
The X5's are a flood and are WAY more even so they light up way better. The Amazon pods claim food but they have a hotspot and when its close in they do jack crap except in that hotspot.
I have the bar aimed lower than the Amazon bar because it carries a lot further and being as bright as they are blind anyone in front.
Those plates are 125yards away my Amazon Special wouldn’t even begin to illuminate them.
Be warned the X5 lens is 2.5" not the housing they are 4.81" wide, 3.93" tall, 3.07" deep, according to RC, much larger than the Amazon pods.