I'm pretty new to SxSs at 3 years. I haven't figured out the dynamics yet and what I can get away with. The Talon's 'tilt table' number is 37.3* (it's in the owner's manual).
But I had no idea what that meant 'to me' or even where 37* was.
So I installed one of these. It turned out I was peeing my pants at 20*. LOL I was recently in a play area and was sidehilling some mounds, my low side tires were still 'on the ground' so I wouldn't be rolling a thousand feet if I made a mistake.

I got 'lurched' further than I intended, something that happens in a dynamic environment, unlike a tilt table's static test. I was able to stop there, assess my situation and look at the Lev-O-Gage, it read 35*. The thing is - I felt completely stable at 35*, even though I was pitched abruptly to that angle. My passenger felt otherwise.

So there 'might' be more for the taking but I hope to never find out. 👍