Have you ever been to elk city? No economy very poor community. More so than st Maries. Also 45 minutes east of Grangeville and yearly the only road in or out, gets washed out by landslides. Great though if you're independently wealthy and or a total bug out location. otherwise everyone there is on some kind of gov support. Also it's not a city in the usual sense. more like a hamlet. only jobs are working for the national forest service.
Oh ok, I completely misunderstood your intentions and purpose of “weathering the coming storm”. A rural and isolated location is what I thought you were seeking.
My ranch in the rural mountains of eastern Oklahoma is beyond all modern infrastructure and in a very depressed job market, a perfect place to weather a storm. I built my own home which is solar powered, with 50” of rain a year, I have 6,000 gallon holding cisterns, heat and cook with wood and am generally self sustaining. Seems in some fashion, the property I posted above could work similarly.