Also interested in this as i am about to buy an le model.. I want to do portals and cfab a arms and dont want to be stuck without aftermarket products (axles).... What I dont understand is dont all the pioneer models have the i4wd??? Thats what I read on a dealers site.... So why is le model have different inner CV splines?? Thanks!
Dealers are 99% of the time utterly clueless to the details on most models unless that actually HAVE one and have modified it.
They just want to get it out the door and for you to buy a lot of accessories so they can make some money.
Thats the beauty of this forum, we've learned(sometimes the hard expensive way) what can and cannot be done and why.
There are a couple of members from Mississippi Delta area that have portals on their machines maybe they can speak up. There are a few in Florida and I think a couple of them have rebuilt the portals and replaced balljoints and axels at least once maybe several times.
I think the machines look awesome and I have no experience with portals because even though I like playing in the mud I don't like cleaning it up half a day each time I ride. The mud we have here is nasty red clay that gets everywhere, stains and sticks like it has glue in it, and it doesn't just wash off like the sandy/silty loam down in the delta or Florida.
Sometime what we want and what is available aren't the same thing.
People sometimes get really angry when they are told "thats going to break stuff its not a good idea even if its available" and then piss and moan about how it stays broke....but they spent $5000 on it and can't let their pride admit they made a bad decision.
I want a SxS to NOT have a Turbo and be over 1000ccs but thats not going to happen...ever...and Kubotas aren't SxS they are
There is a LOT of info on 3 models; 500/700/1000 and on the differences in the trims.
Soon 2 more will be added and we can share that info too.