The Franken-Donkey is back together...sorta. Enough to take a spin around the yard. Waiting for the air filter to dry then I'll start testing speedo settings. The quick trip across the yard..... Speedo reads 15mph, GPS speed 20mph, I'll update more later.
Yeah Evan when I have it in manual mode it will automatically shift its self down when I slow down and it’s really annoying sometimes my father inlaw has a 2015 and it doesn’t shift its self down which I like a lot better and his limiter don’t kick in until 42 mph
So the initial report is a success..... as @aprils_fool says.... I have broke the Davinci code.... the P5 will now go 48 mph and hasn't hit the speed limiter. More testing/time is needed before I post the "how to's".
So the initial report is a success..... as @aprils_fool says.... I have broke the Davinci code.... the P5 will now go 48 mph and hasn't hit the speed limiter. More testing/time is needed before I post the "how to's".
So the initial report is a success..... as @aprils_fool says.... I have broke the Davinci code.... the P5 will now go 48 mph and hasn't hit the speed limiter. More testing/time is needed before I post the "how to's".
So the initial report is a success..... as @aprils_fool says.... I have broke the Davinci code.... the P5 will now go 48 mph and hasn't hit the speed limiter. More testing/time is needed before I post the "how to's".
Damn, that was a good deal. I could have got the extended warranty at a huge discounted rate, figured it would be a waste of money though, it's a Honda.
Damn, that was a good deal. I could have got the extended warranty at a huge discounted rate, figured it would be a waste of money though, it's a Honda.
Yeah. Got lucky. There were a few bruises and scratches on it. How do you get rid of a demo on a lot in the middle of February at -25 when its half buried in snow and you have been aggling with the sales pit boss outside for 30 minutes complaining of scratches and cheap tires? You throw in free extended warranty! It had maybe 350 KM on it with first tune-up done including valve clearance.