Intermittently, when starting and shifting into gear, display shows 2nd gear, but engine just revs without
engaging transmission. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Welcome from Michigan first off.
and congrats on your first ever post since joining in 18’
So we need some info first like pics, we like pics. Im sure you've heard the phrase Pics Or It Didnt Happen? Of corse you have being on here since 18’ lol
also, what year and miles?
To answer your question, sounds like your cables are out of adjustment. If not worse a clutch issue. For the cable adjustment the procedure is easy and has been discussed here more than Brandon has actually known where he is the last week.
If you use the search in the upper corner of the page for cable adjustments, you will find it and be patient, it doesn't find itself lol. Please check back with how u found and fixed it for the next guy. 👍 If that dosnt do it, then will have to dig deeper for you. Work smarter not harder is my motto