P500 Pioneer 500 - 2019 I think my electronic shifting is going out?



Active Member
Nov 6, 2023
edgewater florida

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So...today I woke up, turned on the 500 as usual. Went from "N" (Neutral) to D drive in 2w mode and in Automatic mode and all of a sudden, traveled 25 feet and it all went out. The paddles didn't engage. I couldn't get the Pioneer into neutral...nothing. So..I sat there and thought, "what if I switch it to 4W drive, see if this wakes it up and gets it out of its funk".........low and behold it did. The I went back to to 2W drive and it began working again.

I notice now that it has this little "Squeak squeak" sound coming from somewhere in the rear muffler or rear tranny area....but can't pin it down.
The previous owner had done his 100hour oil change and differential change on this 500 but a full Honda 100 hour inspection was never really done...so I'm going to bring her into the shop and have the Honda guys look it over top to bottom.

I notice the brakes are a squeaking a bit too....so WTH, I'll just have a trained Honda tech look er over.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2017
Ashland, KY

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Was going to ask if it was cold, but i see your in Florida. Brakes bad about squeaking or making grinding sound if sand/dirt gets between pad and disk. Mine when cold has shifting issues due to cold oil but cold is below 30 and mainly when in the teens. Have a neighbor near some hunting property that has 16K miles on one and just now having some shifting issues, and he is very large so it has been worked.
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HONDA SXS Club Flounder
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Jan 6, 2016
Route 66 Oklahoma

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Just for the heck of it, you might check your battery voltage. I have not had a problem with my P5, but I have 3 electric shift Honda ATVs and they will not shift properly if the battery drops down to around 12.2 - 12.3 volts.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2021
Virginia, USA

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Can't speak to the trans, except to say to remember you have (should have) a tool under the seat to manually shift in case you get stranded. Just mentioning it in case you forgot about it.

As for the squeak, I have a squeak in the rear from the rear brakes. It comes and goes. Others hear have recommended checking the rear brakes/caliper, but I haven't yet. It still has good pads so I ignore it.
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2023
edgewater florida

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Just for the heck of it, you might check your battery voltage. I have not had a problem with my P5, but I have 3 electric shift Honda ATVs and they will not shift properly if the battery drops down to around 12.2 - 12.3 volts.
Makes sense...thanks. And now that you mention it...I did indeed have had this 500 unplugged from the battery tender now for about a week...sooooo....maybe?
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2023
edgewater florida

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Can't speak to the trans, except to say to remember you have (should have) a tool under the seat to manually shift in case you get stranded. Just mentioning it in case you forgot about it.

As for the squeak, I have a squeak in the rear from the rear brakes. It comes and goes. Others hear have recommended checking the rear brakes/caliper, but I haven't yet. It still has good pads so I ignore it.
thanks...will follow up on the rear brake caliper. Didn't even realize that the rear brake system is a direct off the shaft disc which controls 'both' rear wheels....whereas the front each wheel has it's on brake mechanism....interesting. Hadn't even been exposed to this before. Thanks.....I probably is the break either needs cleaning or replacing....thank you.
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2023
edgewater florida

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Was going to ask if it was cold, but i see your in Florida. Brakes bad about squeaking or making grinding sound if sand/dirt gets between pad and disk. Mine when cold has shifting issues due to cold oil but cold is below 30 and mainly when in the teens. Have a neighbor near some hunting property that has 16K miles on one and just now having some shifting issues, and he is very large so it has been worked.
thanks...it was bit cold the last few days...in the 40's here in Florida..but maybe that indeed has affected the shifting? Either way this Pioneer has 109 hours and, well...the previous owner did do the oil and oil filter and differential change but....I'm going to take it in next week any way to get the whole 100 hour maintenance done to it anyway....JUST to be sure.
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2023
edgewater florida

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Had the 100Hour checkup done by the Honda guys at the shop.
Allz good. They said it was the cleanest 500 they had ever seen for being a 2019. Only a few minor things. 1) dipstick o-ring was not there so they replaced it. 2) indeed the battery was not at full capacity and could not hold a full charge, therefore the electronic paddles behaved strangely but all is well now. just got a new battery. 3) differential fluid at front was low so they topped it off. 4) oil change and filter change the previous owner had done was still good so that was fine. 4) Brake squeak at the rear was nothing to worry about. Just some minor dirt in the pads. Pads all still good.

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