I've got a new 2019 Pioneer 1000 eps with a tip up windshield. First non-glass windshield I have had. So, short version, I tried cleaning it with windex. Should have read the documentation about it. I understand that polishing it with a rubbing compound should get the cloudiness out of it. Any other ideas?
BTW, love this forum. I've had a Polaris Ranger 800XP and a John Deere 825i Gator. Except for needing more aggressive tires, I'm really happy with the Honda. I had 12000 miles on the Ranger and 9000 on the Gator so I use them quite a bit.
BTW, love this forum. I've had a Polaris Ranger 800XP and a John Deere 825i Gator. Except for needing more aggressive tires, I'm really happy with the Honda. I had 12000 miles on the Ranger and 9000 on the Gator so I use them quite a bit.