Thanks for the extension. Thought I missed the window
Hell yes!Added another donation for the final push to break $3k!!
That just awesome, never imagined at the beginning, it would have reached 3k !We did it. $3000 mark was hit. Congratulations and THANK YOU to everyone who helped contribute.
This is awesome! Glad to be a part of this site!
If any of y'all were considering attending Rocky's viewing Saturday, I just heard that his wife, Mary, will be there - if that helps anyone decide. She and Rocky shared in everything so even if you never saw her on the forum, rest assured, she knows all of us and all of the shenanigans we and Rocky pulled on each other. She may have even instigated some of those shenanigans herself, lol.
Thanks to all who are finding a way to contribute to the Family Support Fund. I know it will mean a lot to Mary.
Rocky really enjoyed the friendships he made with all of you. He would tell me about many of the conversations, and bragged about all his likes. He enjoyed life and sharing moments with others...his vids were something he couldn't wait to post. And yes... he typed using the pecked method on his tablet. When I can I will share more vids and pics.. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers...and generosity it is greatly appreciated. Mary
God Bless you Mary. You and Rocmar will continue to be in my prayers.Rocky really enjoyed the friendships he made with all of you. He would tell me about many of the conversations, and bragged about all his likes. He enjoyed life and sharing moments with others...his vids were something he couldn't wait to post. And yes... he typed using the pecked method on his tablet. When I can I will share more vids and pics.. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers...and generosity it is greatly appreciated. Mary