I get lots of clicking/popping in turns
I get lots of clicking/popping in turns on hard surfaces warm or cold. I have lots of radius rod joints that have play in them, don't know if the binding and slipping of the tires causes them to bang around making the noise. Have never heard the popping when going straight, so not sure it's from cvs. For the price difference I'm very sure that if I end up keeping this machine i will replace both axles complete rather than ever do another cv
For anyone following along -
1. I just paid $195 for an inner CV and boot kit (all 4 are the same on a Talon). This was from the dealer -15%.
2. Ron Ayers sells the complete rear axle including both CVs for $233. So, for another $38 I could have got a new axle and both CVs.
3. Note that Honda doesn't sell complete axle assemblies, you buy an axle which comes with the outer CV installed and buy the inner CV separately,
you have to assemble them. Note that this means you'll need a way to cinch those damnable bands - again, I have to pay the dealer to do it because the proper Oetiker pliers are ~$300.

(and difficult to find in the USA)
4. The Honda axles are reputed to be the best you can buy, the aftermarket doesn't measure up ... yet, if they ever will.
5. I just ordered 2 complete axles, a front and a rear, so I'd have spares, again from the dealer minus 15% = $641.74 -- Ron Ayers price was $523.53, so I got stung for $118 but I want my dealer to stay in business, so I'll eat that difference. Not sure how long I'll remain 'stupid' but for now ...
6. The left and right side use the same axle/CV, the fronts and rears aren't the same - IOW, to have a spare, you'll need one front and one rear.