That answer is correct...if you don't have it registered here in AZ you are only good for whats legal in your home state.
Now with that said a couple of things come to mind:
- Whats the likely hood of you getting pulled over by an enforcement officer that would know what the laws are of your home state?
- If you are in-fact legally compliant for AZ I'd say not much, in most cases you have to be in violation of something to be stopped.
- You say you don't have the proper equipment for Ohio what is that? In AZ you have to be a licensed driver, have insurance, tags for the forest and the road if you ride both which you will, front & rear lights, no blinkers required but brake lights are, horn, seat belts, all kids under 18 must be belted and have helmets.
- We have also been told by law enforcement that if you're on a city street, county road or state highway the vehicle is required to have DOT tires (we've never been cited for it, but have been firmly talked too about it

The other option is why not just get tags for AZ as well which is about $50 if you register it as the forest being your primary use, if you say the road is primary it's like a car and quite expensive like $350 - $400 range.
You have to be really being a jerk to get stopped, if you do they look for everything as that is not their primary focus so it pisses them off.
Kids without helmets and seat belts will get you pulled over very quickly!
Also for what it's worth it matters in cost significantly which agency is pulling you over; US forest ranger, state game warden, county deputy or highway patrol.
What other questions you have?