Since I have at least one bent front A-arm (and possibly one or more tweaked a-arm mounts) I'm considering upgrading to SATV's Forward Arched A-arms.
Figured I'd start a separate thread for updated info on these (fitment, install, what's not included, etc.).
I know a couple of guys besides me have some interest, and at least one member has installed them on a 520.
Some benefits are more strength, ability to adjust camber, ability to install 28" tires . . .
New ball joints are not included in the arms, plus whatever hardware that may entail.
If anyone has questions for @SuperATV then this would be a good place for them.
Firstly, can SATV verify fitment on a 2018 Pioneer 500?
Other than the A-arm ball joints (and someone to install them, in my case), what else do I need?
Other thoughts, concerns?
@SuperATV, @The Green Goat, @crewcabrob, @trigger
Figured I'd start a separate thread for updated info on these (fitment, install, what's not included, etc.).
I know a couple of guys besides me have some interest, and at least one member has installed them on a 520.
Some benefits are more strength, ability to adjust camber, ability to install 28" tires . . .
New ball joints are not included in the arms, plus whatever hardware that may entail.
If anyone has questions for @SuperATV then this would be a good place for them.
Firstly, can SATV verify fitment on a 2018 Pioneer 500?
Other than the A-arm ball joints (and someone to install them, in my case), what else do I need?
Other thoughts, concerns?
@SuperATV, @The Green Goat, @crewcabrob, @trigger