NTC's NoMo Chupacabra Caliente!!....
Lifetime Member
Interesting, just for the sake of asking......what kind of surface do you ride mainly?....are you riding in Turf or 2WD? And are you by any chance making more right turns the left (serious question 😂).......I recall at cpl people having more wear on one side then other from too many turns one way vs the other (on a locked rear end though)the wheel runs true on the machine no wobble at all... and it's already been into the dealer for this under warranty. I was told the tire pressure was too low and sent on my way.
I measures the distance between the center of the bolt on the frame out to the center of the bolts at the wheel hub everything matches compared to the opposite side within <1/16"
Originally I was concerned that maybe one shock wasn't developing pressure as it should under load, which is why I was asking the question. After further inspection the shocks are fine.
The only remaining thoughts I have are that the ears could be welded onto the frame in the wrong location or that the wheel hub casting is off somehow? I will tear into it more tomorrow