Okay THX I'll try thatOn the pioneer you just pull real hard and twist.
Are you heating the shaft or the knob to assist in get the knob off?Use a heat gun or blow dryer, makes it easier.
Ok thanks. I have had mine off a couple times but a person could break some body parts when it releases. LOLHeat the knob. It’s a rubbery plastic and it will get softer with heat. Unfortunately you need to heat it all the way through to make it easy to remove.
Those shift gates look great and really helps the alignment, no more partial engagements....👍Thanks to all, heated the knob up and it pulled straight up and off. New shift gate on and looking good.
Pics or it didn't happen!Thanks to all, heated the knob up and it pulled straight up and off. New shift gate on and looking good.
Ya, what he said ! Let’s see that new plate !Pics or it didn't happen!
No twisting there.!Heat and a ratchet strap and it came right off. Here is t
A pic of the shifter shaft. Good luck twisting it off.
View attachment 376967
I did the same, 2x4, open end wrench and a pry bar. Placed a nice fitting open end wrench above the pry bar and under the knob and it works well. Just take your time and let it slide off, a nice clean removal.Just removed mine yesterday.... I used a small piece of plywood placed it on the dash under the knob and used a claw hammer and gently pried it off... came off really easy like that.