Buckle up boyz, we're about to venture into the nose bleed seats.
I'm about to find out how steep and rocky this is. Tree line is at 11,500, give or take a few, I'm a bit above that, these are the tough ones.
Vistas? we haz 'em - I think that's Australia on the horizon -
The road to Red Cone -
Closer -
Ruh roh -
Dat's a loooong dam way down der, you won't stop bouncing til Denver -
Out the other window -
Was it worth it? OH HELL YEAH!!!
What's the sign say? Red Cone Peak Elev. 12,801 -
More of my trusty steed -
This I did NOT EXPECT.

It's a STEEP downhill, I was riding the ridge on the left, straddling the snow, keeping all 4 tires on the rocks but decided it was time to get back on the road. As you can see, this wasn't fresh snow (which I was betting on), it's been driven and the right track has turned to ice.

The rest of this descent was crossed up, butt to the right, trying to keep my speed down without locking up tires. The season is over here, we're getting snow this weekend, you can see it in the clouds. 😢
This is a one way trail, you'll see why inna minit - that's my way out.
OMG!!! There's no going up this without tearing the crap out of the road. I rode up it on a 400 2 stroke before they
made it one way and it took me several tries.
Hangin' from my seat belt -
It's much steeper than it looks, not a problem in a SxS but engine braking isn't going to get it - especially in one a dem KRX's.