This isn't much of a 'trail pictures' post as much as it is a story, some of which I've probably told before.
I was at this campsite, minding my own business doing an oil change ... the instant the drain plug cleared, a 1000 mph wind hit from the front of both vehicles, blowing oil everywhere, including a brand new roll of paper towels, they just disappeared.

Looking waaaaay off into the desert, I saw a white spot ... that couldn't be them, could it? Yep, that whole roll of paper towels, completely unwound, got stuck on a tumble weed ... waaaay the hell out there.
The solar panel blew from here -
to here; breaking one bungie cord and straightening the hook on the other -

Luckily, I don't plug the solar MC4 connectors together enough to latch, so it just unplugged itself with no damage.
During that same windstorm, middle of the night, the lid on the trailer box blew completely open. Think about that for a minute. Here's the box, the lid only extends past the box enough for me to catch my fingertips on it so I can get it open. I'm still amazed that it didn't rip completely off -

It's 3/4" plywood, fairly heavy.
Here's a pic of it partially open, it'll lay almost flat to the right side. I have no idea how the wind got under it enough to lift it, other than it was blowing like hell -