Well I decided to finally get the project started today. I can now confirm that we are indeed able to make a 3" snorkel work on the 700-4.
First I installed the RMP skid plates and A-Arm guards I got last week from
@ohanacreek. They're look awesome, I can't wait to test them out.
Then I got going on the snorkel. I started by piecing together the piping from the top down, and dry fit everything back to the final turn before tying back into the original intake piping for the airbox.
I then proceeded to mark everything, and glued everything back to the final piece before the down turn, and installed and secured it to the ROPS.
I picked up this 3" drain today with the rest of the goodies, I like the look with the chrome and holes, and gives me the protection I was looking for to prevent leaves, and other larger items from getting into the intake tract. I'm still undecided if I'm going to keep and use it, so I left that piece unglued. I'll try with and without next time out, and see if it makes any noticeable difference with or without.
I then with some cussing and some contribution of knuckle flesh to the gods, managed to get the rest of the snorkel plumbed into the existing intake tubing. I cut it back to about 1' of tubing left, and connected it with a 3"x2" flexible fitting.
I finished up, installed my new K&N with Pre-Filter, and buttoned everything back up.
It only required a little bit of trimming with an exacto knife to get everything to fit back together. I only lost one of the little clip mounts out of it. I'll have to come back with a dremel, or hack saw to trim that remaining piece back, and I think I'll get some of that car door edging stuff to finish it up, and give it a bit more of a polished look.
Without doing the calculations, I think with the 3" piping it should offset any potential losses to the intake with the extra bends and pipe. We'll see. The great part is with the box closed, and rear seats up, you can't see any of it, and looks great.