Looking for a little help. I've read almost every post on switch panels, accessory wiring harness, and wiring in general. However, I still can't figure out what wire off the accessory harness goes to the relay. In the pic,I've attached, there are 2 open wires off my accessory harness that was installed by the dealer when they put the horn on (part of the street package when I bought the machine). My voltmeter shows 12v out of both wires in the pic. Can I use either of them to feed the relay for switch on power? I thought the white one would be ground.
Also, I need a switch panel and the founder is too swamped. I've reached out to Mystic, but nothing so far. Anyone know if he still builds panels?
thanks in advance and btw this is a p700-4 2020
Also, I need a switch panel and the founder is too swamped. I've reached out to Mystic, but nothing so far. Anyone know if he still builds panels?
thanks in advance and btw this is a p700-4 2020