Talon Talon R 8,000 mile report



Well-Known Member
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May 14, 2013
Prescott Valley, AZ

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-3
I really like my Talon R. Its so easy to go fast and I use the automatic shift mode most of the time. Occasionally I over ride it with an up shift or a down shift if I see a big hill coming. The suspension is way better with the tender spring cross over rings moved up. I make sure it crosses over before the tender springs coil bind.

I check the coolant level at every oil change and check my battery terminals every other oil change. After every oil change I check my Sub trans oil level.

The air filter intake location is in a dusty location so I added a snorkel to move it up under the roof. I made 4 snorkels for my buddies and two had to go through a rear window. My UNI pre filter may need to be cleaned at the next oil change. I made snorkels for my Teryx, Rhino, both RZR’s, Ranger, Yamaha YXZ, Pioneer 500 and 700. I hate replacing or cleaning a air filter. Getting 9,000 miles out of my UNI pre filter is good enough to just replace it with a new one.

I have a problem shifting into low range when the engine is cold. After a 15 minute warmup it will shift normal. About a third of the time I have to move it forward or back a couple of inches to shift into low and I always use low to load it onto my trailer. A new shift cable didn’t help. The 0w40 Maxima Full Synethic Motorcycle Oil may have helped some. Its important to make sure its at idle and shift quickly. Taking your foot off the brake helps.

My left front dif seal started leaking at 7,200 miles. The right side started leaking at 7,600 miles. My dealer has the seals on order. I will get it fixed in a week or two. I check my front dif oil lever every 200 miles and its still ok.

The rear drive shaft at the sub trans has a normal 8,000 mile seepage and I haven’t cleaned it but will on my next oil change. If it was a leak there would be a wet spot at the bottom.

I have a bit over 5,000 miles on my 30 inch Terrabites. I expect I will get another 5,000 miles out of them. I’m going back to 28’s next. The 30’s hurt the 6th gear performance in the deep sand. It won’t pull 6th gear very good. My buddy revs out 6th gear ok with his stock 28’s.

I decided to buy the Honda extended warranty and it will make it easier to sell with a year or two of warranty left. I should have 20,000 miles on it in another year and they are hard to sell with 20,000 miles.

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Well-Known Member
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May 14, 2013
Prescott Valley, AZ

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-3
My dealer ordered another dif seal. They will make an appointment so I can bring it in at 9 when they open and I will get it back after lunch. Most dealers don't have enough room to store side by sides so its helps them and makes the customer Happy. I expect most dealers can do this on the easy repairs. One thing is for sure it doesn't hurt to ask. I always tip the service manager and the tech too. I have my 2020 Talon to drive if necessary but I just hate leaving my Talon at the shop for a few days especially when its still drivable.

My 2011 RZR broke a lot so I bought a 2012 RZR so I would have something to drive. That one broke way too much and I was tired of being towed out so I bought a 2013 Polaris Ranger. Some of us are stupid and never learn. The Ranger didn't make 2,000 miles without breaking so I got it fixed and sold them all. My 2011 RZR had 11,000 miles, the 12 had 6,500. Polaris has improved a lot but they still have some major failures if you put on the miles.

My buddy's 2018 RZR 1000 has just over 8,000 miles and has been in the shop for 3 weeks twice with over $2,400 in repairs. Never had to walk or be towed with my Hondas and the breakage was minor so I could fix it at my convenience. My Kawasaki's were reliable too but changing the belt on a Teryx was a PITA requiring the gas tank to be removed. We have a lot of choices now but if we didn't I would buy another RZR 1000 and never go riding alone. The RZR fun factor is great but the Talon is better and shouldn't break as much especially with high mileage. Oh and a 12 month warranty on the Honda. All the rest is 6 months.


The Great Bald One
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Oct 5, 2016
Bella Vista, AR

  1. 1000-5
@hondabob i am sure you have been asked this but on average how many days a week/ month do you go out riding?


Well-Known Member
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May 14, 2013
Prescott Valley, AZ

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-3
I go riding 5 to 6 days a week and have been for 24 years. I gave up Motorcycles, Quads, and Mt bikes a few years ago. We still go fast and the side by sides are way safer. All the guys wear helmets. Polaris hit a home run with the 2011 RZR 900. Now most all of the guys have a sport model. This reminds me of a funny story. I had 2 Rhino's and I had some fun with my Yamaha dealer. I would have lunch at Taco Bell after a morning ride then go riding in the afternoon. The counter kid would see me drive up with a Mt Bike in my truck, then another day a motorcycle, then a Quad. He would say man you have lots of toys. Then I had my Rhino on my trailer. He said man you play golf too. I couldn't wait to tell my dealer.


New Member
Dec 18, 2019

  1. Talon R
@hondabob What were your final adjustments on your tender springs and crossover rings? 5 turns on the front tender springs rings and crossovers rings; 10 turns on the rear tender spring rings and crossover rings?


Well-Known Member
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May 14, 2013
Prescott Valley, AZ

  1. Other Brand

  2. 1000-3
5 and 10 is just a starting point but it will give a better ride. You need to make sure the tender spring doesn't coil bind before crossing over. Compress a rear wheel and see how much tender spring you have left at the cross over. The more you are on the tender spring before cross over may provide a better ride in the wash board sections. I'm still setting up my 2020 talon R and will know more in a few days. We may be able to move up the tender spring rings another 10 turns and not be at cross over.
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