unless you're doing some rough towing, just ratchet strap that bad boy down and send it!
I 100 percent agree.
E-Track sounds great but will never work for everyone.
E-Track would be a nightmare for me because we haul tractors, tractor crawlers and equipment anywhere it needs to go.
Not to mention Jeeps or vehicles and spare parts our load moves depending on weight to balance out everything.
So today the SxS may go to the nose because I have a crawler behind it and next time it could be centered with very little, well you get the idea.
We have had to haul fire wood and axles alongside with extra wheels and tires before so our loads are forever different.
E-track is nice but only for a limited use trailer.
I.E. only hauls weight in the same configuration for balance and only hauls the same things.
Pack it full of sand and rocks and mud then spend 20 cleaning out and area to lock your strap into when it is cold and you will cuss like we did.
And wooden sides add weight, wind drag and are in general a pain most days to me so we run flat.
Mind you these are my opinions from years of towing and moving mostly anything we have needed to move but they are accurate for me..
Your situation and environment are probably well different than ours so use your gut to what feels right and try it its a trailer and easy to undo what has been done in most cases.
If you ever plan to haul anything other than your couple of toys you might consider a winch and battery tied in to the trailer.
Our big trailer is rated for 30k lbs and has a 20k capacity winch on the front where as our small trailer is rated for 16k capacity and has a 12k winch on the nose.
Our little run around everything else trailer is rated for 5x and has an 8k capacity winch.
If you haul anything other than the same thing they will be a life saver for you.
Good luck, post pics and keep us updated.