Montecresto el segundo
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Dude, you can say it's right. I'm impressed. Good for you and your family. You're in better shape than the average American, and a good example!!!!Saving what's that? Lol no I went in the Marine Corps at 18 and started with 10% and been that way with my job outside the Marine Corps. Only way to get ahead in life is you. Everyone wants a handout, but if you really want to make your mark in life it is all about what you put in it. Me I want to retire one day. I know it will not be tomorrow because I have a 4 year old and a 3 year old and another due in a month, but I want them to live good and have nice things. I do not expect social security to be around by the time I reach age to retire, so me I am looking after my family and myself by taking 10% before taxes and put in a 401k that is matched to 6%. I also try to put 3% in 2 other accounts for my daughter's college fund and also an emergency fund. That is me and that is how I love. I can't say it's right, but it is working for me.