So when social security was conceived, it was to be one leg of a three legged stool. The other two being employer pension plans and personal savings. Today, the stool often has just two legs and for many just one leg. Also, when my dad entered the work force in 1946 SS was just 1%, what's it up to now. My dad began drawing SS at 62 and he's now 92 having overdrawn his SS account a long time ago. This isn't sustainable. But there are solutions to it.
There's no "doomsday" scenario being espoused, as in the end of the world, but bad things do and have happened. The over extended government of Greece "borrowed" their citizens retirement money. Our nation is 20 trillion in debt.

Yes, a government could seize property, but that presents them with management obligations which makes money setting in accounts more attractive. Saving is like a stool with multiple legs, gold, realestate, stock, retirement savings plans, etc.,Posting material from economists that teach the merits of including realestate in your retirement plan is meant to be constructive, not critical.