Yes original seat. Has one spotGood find!👍 Is that is the original seat!!!???
Silver- here a few pics of the seat. Little wet rags and some armor all. You can see the only flaws in the rear of the seat. A chunk missing and a run line and below the rub line is a little loose area of fabric. Outside of that it is pretty solid. Think it is original seat. Have no reason to think not.Good find!👍 Is that is the original seat!!!???
Thanks Lee.The Big Red was awesome.
Easy to ride, torque like a tractor (compared to the 2 strokes I favored).
And very capable.
No extra BS like an extraneous 4th wheel.
Leverage 3wheelerworld.com for info and a line on parts.
Lol. Hoping so.I had 1 also. High/Low range and reverse. Was like a tractor. Little carb clean and a little love and she will run. It’s a Honda!
One thing I am missing is the side plastic panel on the right side. The one that goes over or around the kick starter. If anyone has any leads on one pm me. If we can get it to run, I will be looking for one. Thanks.