Samsquinch the Terrible Magic Bean Manipulator
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Although I have done a fair amount of backcountry, riding and exploring in large parts of Utah, I was wondering if anybody has any suggestions for things to see places to check out or even a cool museum or two along the way? Definitely want some backcountry trail riding areas to explore Would also like to come across some cool Native American habitation sites. Or look for fossils. I’ve done a lot of riding around Moab end up in the north, eastern part of the state around Ashley national Forest and the flaming GorgE, National recreation area. And I’ve been to the Glen Canyon national recreation area, Bears ears, and so on when I have not done is checked out too much of Dixie national Forest or southern western parts of Utah and maybe even the western desert. Also i have done a little bit of exploring down in the south eastern corner From Mexican hat and North. Been to all the national parks and was maybe considering doing the Cocks Comb… anyway I thought I’d pick y’all brains and see if you had any other cool places to check out. I may be looking at the San Rafael Swell or parts of the grand staircase, Escalante. I know that a lot of T-Rex skeletons have been found in there which would be really cool anyway thanks!