Absolutely correct and something I should have said. To replace those ~32 filters, I would have had to open/close the air box ~32 times instead of ~6, trouble looking for a place to happen. For those who don't have a snorkel yet - get an inspection camera/endo scope for your cell phone or tablet and use the airbox water drain to inspect your filter. This wasn't my idea but I won't 'name drop', if he wants to speak up, he can.
With the Uni on a snorkel, I can see when it needs to be replaced without disturbing anything and it takes 5 minutes to R&R a filter. I have 3 of them, so there's always a clean one ready to install.
About the clips holding the airbox lid on, they're a finger killer -

The solution is a 19 mm end wrench - use the open end to release the clips and the closed end to pull them back into place, also not my idea but I don't remember where I saw it. It's pretty simple to figure it out once you're there.