The Green Goat
DEI has ended. You gays are on your own.
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Eventual plan is to put together a small hobby wood/machine shop. I planned it all out a few years ago and IIRC, 60a was cutting it close if a few things were running together, so I figured 100a just for safe measure. It's overkill.1000V merger is more than plenty - hopefully someone has one you can borrow - probably has a 250v and 500V setting - 250V is fine for what you have.
what he said above - check all connections for corrosion/loose terminals from house to barn - take connections off at barn and power it up and check voltage with the wires hanging in the air - just process of elimination
just have to ask - why 100A at 240V - jeez........I went down that same road 15 years ago and said WTF am I doing, put a 60A service in and called it good - I run a large upright air compressor - the cheap HF 120V welders, a freaking house bake oven for baking out powder coated parts, lites, beer fridge, pool pump, etc. and never ever ever was short on juice. load factor is the technical term for sizing it down - lol.......good luck