No. First the oem Honda wheels are a “ball” seat. The are more rounded than tapered. Second the tusk wheels lug holes are very small. You’ll need spline tuners. Amazon eBay eve your local auto parts store ( I got my black ones at oriellys ) local tires shop etc should have these on stock. Common thread pitch.
Even if they do fit , they don’t I just did this swap, the issue is the contact area on the rim doesn’t sit correctly. Causing lugs to loosen , wheels fall of etc. How would I know this ? I worked at an America’s tire for 5 years high school / college , civics accords fits even the ridge line truck all use the same style. When you would put aftermarket wheels you needed lug nuts regardless. Saw a few cars learn the hard way. Hope that helps.
Also to the poster above , my oem Honda manual says 97lbs for the p1000. Mines a 2020 but I doubt that matters.
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