2016 1000-5. So I have been trying to work on my sxs the last couple weeks. It was running fine (other than the clutch slippage) and then tried to start it and just turn over. I changed plugs and it would fire up for 10 seconds and die. I checked the fire and it's good. So I decided to drain the fuel since that's the next place to look. Drained and I believe there was water in the fuel. I hooked the fuel pump up out of the tank and no pumping. I tried the fuel level and was getting power to there but no pump. I decided to replace the fuel pump, and put it in and turn it on and no pump again. I am out of options, any suggestions? Not sure if it will give me a mild light with out it starting but it seems to be 13. I see that is the injector and those wires seem to be tight and not pulling out.